Sky Balloon Missions无法打开游戏攻略
Fly a hot air balloon through the sky and collect supplies as you go. Avoid or shoot down explosives tied to balloons using your water hose and other weapons. If you hit a bomb you will lose fuel. Lose all your fuel and your balloon will explode. Each level is three minutes long. After three minutes an airship will arrive to collect your supplies. Once the airship reaches the center of the screen you will transfer your supplies and move on to the next level. Each level gets slightly faster. There are 1000 levels.
Here are the floating items in the game
Water bucket - Tied to blue balloons; used to refill your hose
Fuel Tank - Tied to green balloons; used to refill your fuel
Supplies - Tied to yellow balloons; collect as many as you can
Bad: (All bad items are tied to red balloons)
Bomb balloon - Causes minor damage and loss of fuel
Triple bomb balloon - Causes more serious damage and additional loss of fuel
Barrel bomb - Just don't hit this!
Reward Video
By watching a short video you can upgrade your balloon to have more fuel or water. You can also refill your current fuel or water or get ammo for your weapons
卡牌巨头Square Enix近日公开了同Poppin Games Japan共同研发的手游《DRAGON SKY》(iOS/Android)的相关资讯,本作是由 SQUARE ENIX 监修、Poppin Games Japan 开发营运的即时制策略游戏,制作团队中包含插画家茂木雄介、板鼻利幸以及作曲家水田直志等人。游戏玩法由玩家不断开拓自己的据点,用特色各异的兵种单位配合打造出一支精良的军团。...
去年11月,我们曾为您介绍过一款名叫《Sky Chasers》动作冒险新游。那时游戏开发商Lucky Kat Studios曾表示该作将在今年一季度同玩家见面。不过现在看来我们的等待即将终结,新消息显示《Sky Chasers》将在本周四率先登陆iOS平台,并在2月到来前与安卓用户见面。感兴趣的玩家一定不要错过!
《Sky Chasers》是一款动作冒险小游戏,讲述了一位名叫“Max”,希望...