Magical Journey无法打开游戏攻略
-Magical Journey is a fully automatic on-hook RPG card game. Players can collect all kinds of poke in the game, develop them and finally put into battle.
-The battle,a fully automated turn-based battle,is automatically performed by the system.
-In the game, players will experience the fun of collecting and developing cards, as well as the strategy of arranging battle formations.
-The game provides a variety of gameplay such as dungeon and Arena PK. Players can play various PVE and PVP game experiences.
-Besides,even if the player is offline, who can still get growth rewards.
Let's Go! Start your new journey!
日本Cybird公司预计今年冬季上架的女性向手游新作《Magical Days the Brats’s Parade》(マジカルデイズ the Brats’s Parade)于6月13日在官方网站更新了游戏故事设定和第一弹角色情报。本作的画师启用了经常担当女性向游戏、CD画师的人气画师さらちよみ,作曲则启用了人气游戏作曲家菊田裕树。
CYBIRD 今天公布了旗下游戏《Magical Days the Brats’s Parade》的最新情报,主要为部分NPC角色的声优和形象情报。
CYBIRD 今天公布了旗下游戏《Magical Days the Brats’s Parade》的游戏玩法,本作将会在不久之后登陆移动平台。