Puppy Dino Egg Rescue无法打开游戏攻略
Emergency Paw Patrol! The Dinosaurs are everywhere! Ryder need your help to escape from The Jurassic Island!!
Help Ryder using his Cool Jungle Dino Car to bring the Dinosaurs back to the Jurassic Island.
Get Ryder's Cool Dino Car to collect the Big Dino Eggs which were dropped by the airplane and bring it back to Dino's Mom.
Run and shoot any bad Dinosaurs who are trying to steal the eggs in Ryder's car. You have to hurry Paw Patrol because Dino's Mom is really-really looking for her eggs and She will be angry if she can't get her eggs fast.
Puppy Dino Egg Rescue Features :
-Marshal, Chase and Rubble are ready to help you
-Ride a Giant mount to help you run from the Dinosaurs
-You will get eggshells every time you rescue an egg to buy a new Super Cool Ryder Paw Patrol Dino Car
-Collect Paw Patrol Toys which fall from the airplane to open a new Jurassic Island.
-Get to the Top of the Jurassic Island and you will reveal a new Jurassic Secret to escape the Jurassic Island.
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鳄鱼:冰拳(前期必合 打连胜)绿叉,龙牙。