You are a genius? The triangle无法打开游戏攻略
You are a genius? Prove it! Combine the same figures to generate other figures until you get a triangle.
Combine the pictures with a swipe, when you make a swipe all the pictures are pushed in the direction of the swipe and the equal pictures collide and form a new pictures. run swipe and make pictures collide until you get a triangle. does it seem easy? it will not be! try it!
This game is based on (Thanks a lot Gabriele!)
Love You To Bits第一关通关攻略由九游小编为大家带来,Love You To Bits是一款冒险解谜类型的小游戏,可能很多玩家还不知道这个游戏该怎么玩,Love You To Bits第1关怎么过?来看看吧!
绝地求生进入游戏发现系统提示you have been banned,那么绝地求生you have been banned什么意思?被封号了吗怎么解决?下面和小编一起去了解一下吧。
绝地求生you have been banned什么意思?
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