LOL surprise confetti balls无法打开游戏攻略
Point, pop, unpack gather! Shake things up with the Lol surprise dolls in this coordinating ball pop amusement. Presently with every single new amazement including finding your doll's water surprise! Include Glitter Series and Series 3 dolls to your accumulation. Try not to stop now Keep flying to unpack and finish your doll gathering. You're nearly there! Energized yet?
* Pop coordinating Lol surprise balls.
* Pop extraordinary Lol surprise balls to unpack things.
* Unbox every one of the 6 things to open another Lol surprise doll.
* Build your own Lol surprise doll accumulation.
* Includes Lol surprise dolls from Series 1, 2, 3, and Glitter Series.
* Discover your doll's water shock! Will she spit, cry, tinkle, or change shading?
* New confetti surprise balls pop confetti!
* Quick! Better match the clock balls before they detonate finishing the diversion LOL surprise Dolls .
* Look out for the indestructible balls that can't be coordinated LOL Surprise eggs .
* Be mindful so as not to give the balls a chance to cross the main issue - the board will clear LOL Surprise opening eggs !
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《Fire Balls 3D》是一款卡通风格趣味十足的魔性打击消除游戏,著名制作有毒小游戏Voodoo又一力作,花式演绎打砖块的新奇玩法,看准时机躲避来回旋转的障碍,打击得分快来下载体验吧。一款休闲的魔性小游戏,Fire Balls 3D(火球3D)就是Voodoo打造的,控制你的小球球去打击各种场景的物品,玩起来停不下来。
Fire Balls 3D是一款单击式超级休闲游戏,可让您长时间迷...
球VS激光破解版是一款非常好玩的休闲挑战类型游戏,这款游戏之中的我们将会不断的进行挑战,这款游戏是非常的刺激,非常的有趣的,我们将会一步步的去躲避各种各样的机关,虽然说游戏的操作只需要点击就可以了,但是就是这一种单一的操作,给我们带来了极致的虐心体验,看似容易,其实非常的难,非常的考验反应速度,稍微有一点不慎,可能就会游戏接结束,喜欢挑战的朋友,你还在等什么?赶快来下载,进入到这个游戏世界中吧! ...