Brain Games: Logical riddles无法打开游戏攻略
Are you bored and tired from routine work? Can't find something interesting and fun? You found what you were looking for!
It is the game which truly develops your thinking.
This riddles are targeted only to those who can't imagine their life without being challenged, and this is the destination where you will engage yourself in some interesting questions and riddles.
Although there are many games of this genre, we have tried to make this something different, by combining non-standard, standard and mathematical riddles.
There are 40+ creative and tricky puzzles. If you want to solve them you have to show all your observation and logic. At some point you will need to be genius and at another point you need to be idiotic, that's the secret to solve all problems.
Hope you will find it most playful game ever.
And one thing...It is absolutely FREEEEEE!!!
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Miracle Games代理发行《不良人2》UWP版本即将登陆微软商店,100%还原动漫的游戏大作,为大家勾画原汁原味的不良人江湖。在《不良人》UWP版本上线前,就让小编先带大家来详细盘点一下游戏的特色。
说起游戏开发商Epic Games可能不少玩家都不会陌生,对于手游玩家们来说,此前人气超高的动作游戏作品《无尽之剑(Infinity Blade)》正是出自他们之手,虽然系列推出已经有很长一段时间了,但是一直到现在看起来游戏的质量还是非常出色的。而此前PC平台上著名的《虚幻竞技场》也是出自他们之手,可以说他们也是一个佳作频出的开发商了。而他们在游戏开发者大会(GDC)上公布了他们的一款名为《战争破...