Riddles in Urdu with Answers - Bujho to jano无法打开游戏攻略
5oo Paheliyan in Urdu with answers is the largest collection of Urdu riddles you will ever found we have put a lot of struggle to collect those riddles. It is our tradition coming from our ancestors to give and break riddles, Our grandfathers an grandmothers always used to give riddles in free time usually after dinner at the night time to their grandchildren and then children stars thinking about answers and try to ask from other elders, It creates an amazing environment to enjoy enough. The special thing about Urdu riddles is that when you pronounce them it sounds a beautiful poetry with beautiful music.
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Q&Q answers好玩吗?Q&Q answers主题歌宣传影片已经推出了,快来看下吧。
本作为一款以所有书籍全都会具现化的「世界图书馆」作为舞台,让玩家们操纵游戏内角色,与伙伴们一起透过问答等各种益智玩法来将实体全部流向现实世界的图书馆藏书们全部都给回收益智问答RPG 游戏!同时游戏中不但将会有各种类型的问答题目等待玩家们来挑战,还支援让玩家们自己上传题目的上传功能,让玩家们可以自创问题...
CyberStep宣布,面向手机平台的新作《Q&Q answers》(Q&Q アンサーズ)将于2017年7月正式上架。
在本作中,有一座收藏了古今中外名著的世界图书馆,在那里所有书本都能实体化。这个世界图书馆里发生了将司书们都卷进去的大事。因为这件事,图书馆里的藏书基本上都流失到了现实世界。玩家需要借助力量给前来回收藏书的司书,和作为同伴的各种各样的名著一起去挑战谜题。 ...