Kawaii: draw and play无法打开游戏攻略
Have you ever wondered how to draw kawaii?
Our game will help you quickly and easily learn how to draw cute pictures of animals in the style of anime! Forget the boring instructions! Now you can not only learn how to draw, but also play an exciting game with cute characters.
It's simple! You will need paper, a pencil, a paint with a bowl or a felt-tip pen. Choose the picture you like in the menu and follow the step-by-step instructions. You can get more instructions if you collect enough stars, and you can buy new cute characters on them!
Our application contains a large number of tutorials for drawing, such as:
- Cute cat
- Cute dog
- Cute hamster
- Cute owl
- Cute seal
- Cute rabbit
- Cute koala
- Cute parrot
Our application is ideal for those who like cartoons, anime and manga. Study our animated book, collect all the instructions, play a nice game and enjoy drawing and painting!
Line Play经常与其他明星、游戏合作,举办一些活动,这次合作的是《新世纪福音战士:Q》的新一弹合作。喜欢着两者的朋友都可以体验一下哦。
LINE Play是Line旗下的一款虚拟换装游戏,玩家可以在游戏里布置自己的房间,并且跟朋友们进行互动。里面的虚拟人偶可以进行吃饭行为以及依照玩家指示进行可爱的动作。Line Play经常会与各种动漫、游戏、明星进行合作活动,而这次推出的则是《新世...