With: Magic Tales无法打开游戏攻略
With: Magic Tales is most classic play-mode of MMORPG perfectly presents on the mobile phone.
Want to experience a world of magic through class play-mode of MMORPG that perfectly fits with a mobile phone experience? If yes, then this is the game for you.
In the very beginning you get to choose a character that perfectly fits you, and through completing challenging tasks your character can quickly level up.
The main point of the game is to make it to join blood clans and make new friends!
But throughout the game you can also:
- Become stronger through a marriage alliance
- Have special double-seat mount for two characters
- Access dozens of gorgeous clothes
- Bond with war pets that have powerful strength
- Be part of a legendary Cross-server War with the perfect balance
- As well as an auto farming system for when you’re offline
Facebook Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/With-1280406188760114/
Miracle Games是基于微软Windows 10系统的全球化平台和游戏发行商。旗下产品遍布全球,并曾多次登顶国内外各大榜单之首。2016年更是凭借一款RPG手游《Fallensouls》,流水、次留、ARPU、榜单等数据一路飙升,在欧美市场不断刷新纪录。可见,Miracle Games在Windows渠道上的业务优势尤为凸显,从产品接入到上线、从数据到营收,一系列完整的运营体系都展示出MG...
MG《Magic Evolution》Windows版是一款以宠物小精灵拟人化为特色的养成类RPG手游,通过超精美的次元画风和娇萌的配音诠释了精灵世界中的无限美好,熟悉又新奇的捕捉和探索玩法更是唤醒了内心感动。昔日陪伴大家的小精灵如今也已变身为萌娘,正太,御姐,萝莉、怪蜀黍,尘封的记忆中也再次被唤醒。和小精灵的冒险之旅也即将开启。
MG《Magic Evolution》...