Ultra Sharp Slice无法打开游戏攻略
How fast can you slice the color balls in this ultra sharp game? Try and see.
Ultra Sharp Slice is a relex/reaction game designed for all the fans of sword games and fast slicing games.
Ultra Sharp Slice has two different modes:
- Classic mode where you have to slice the color balls before they fall to save your 3 lives, but be careful of the deadly bomb.
- Arcade mode where you have to defeat the chronometer and slice as much color balls as you can within 90 seconds.
If you're looking for keywords such as:
Free ultra sharp game
Slice game
Balls game
Sword / knife
Ultra sharp slice
Slice the fruits
Ninja game
Then start installing Ultra Sharp Slice and enjoy it.
近日,一款名为《Slice Dice & Rice》的有着炫酷格斗场景的横版动作类游戏登陆了Steam,游戏凭借很强的操作性以及畅快的打击感吸引了不少玩家,玩家可以在游戏中选择多种武器和职业,最赞的是该游戏为一击必杀,绝对够震撼!
《Slice Dice & Rice》宣传片:
关于《Slice Dice & Rice》:
开发商:Dojo Games ...
Go Slice游戏怎么玩?很多玩家都不太知道这个游戏到底怎么才能通关,Go Slice这款切割绳子的益智游戏也是很火的,玩家们需要注意关卡的道具使用技巧,新手应该怎么玩才能顺利过关呢?下面就跟着小编一起来看看吧。
Go Slice游戏怎么玩?
《锐切 Sharp Cut》是一款益智休闲游戏,你的手指从未如此尖锐!搭配功力完美切割各个层面,成为切割大师!