Dream Fighters无法打开游戏攻略
Ever had a dream that only you seemed to believe in? So have these guys! Help them tackle their Dream Crushers and make their own future!
Take on the bullies, pass pressure tests, handle neighbourhood gossip and learn how to answer all difficult questions. Convince your friends, teachers and even your parents about future career choices!
How passionately would you fight for your dream?
• Progress through the levels all the way to the ‘boss fight’ with the parents
• Make your arguments witty, assertive and effective
• Collect points every time you defeat a Dream Crusher
• Explore types of reactions to handle stressful discussions
• Challenge arguments that put you down
• Keep your happiness levels up with the right answers
• Boost happiness levels with arcade games
Challenge, explain, express and stand up for yourself.
Most importantly FIGHT FOR YOUR DREAM!
Gender stereotypes
Peer pressure
Career choices
Gender roles
由移动怪兽代理,日本娱乐公司「武士道(Bushiroad)」和Craft Egg 开发製作的手机音乐节奏游戏《BanG Dream!少女乐团派对》推出 LIVE 试炼活动「堂堂正正!软绵绵吉祥物锦标赛」,原创歌曲「子わ子わ☆ゆめいろサンドイッチ」搭配活动一同登场。期间限定转蛋「软呼呼的嘎喔!快乐小怪兽」推出,北泽育美及奥泽美咲全新★4卡登场。
「软呼呼的嘎喔!快乐小怪兽」期间限定转蛋推出 ★...
Bushiroad的二次元少女乐队企划《BanG Dream!》日前在东京电玩展2016(TGS2016)宣布即将游戏化,名为《BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!》(バンドリ!ガールズバンドパーティ!)。预计将于2017年春季开始配信并登陆iOS/Android双平台。
《BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!》将由Bushiroad和Craft ...
11月9日,bilibili正式宣布获得株式会社Bushiroad与株式会社Craft Egg的共同授权,在中国大陆地区独家代理次世代乐队育成手游《BanG Dream!少女乐团派对!》以下简称《BanG Dream!》手游)。该游戏目前已正式开启预约。准备好来感受火热的演出派对吧!
《BanG Dream!》手游隶属次世代少女乐队企划《BanG Dream!》。游戏原作由株式会社Bushi...