Shadow Quiz for Five Night无法打开游戏攻略
Shadow Quiz for FNAF Nightmare (Five Night at Freddy) Trivia
# Shadow quiz for FNAF (Five Night at Freddy's) Trivia using shadow characters and question as a clue for you.
# You have to answer the question to pass each level by locating right letters at the available space.
If you can't recognize a character's name, don't worry!
* You have coin as credit to get clues even answer the questions.
* Every you pass the level, you will get more coins.
* Fortunately, if you lack of coin, you can get another by watching a video.
* You can get coins by fill polling survey.
* You also can get additional coins by buy with in app purchase.
This Quiz have a lot of Shadow FNAF Character and challenges question in every levels.
Prove your knowledge about FNAF with download this Shadow quiz.
Good luck & Cheers!
2004年1月30日文字冒险游戏《Fate/stay night》发售,故事就从一位身着蓝衣盔甲的少女与主角的故事开始,她就是Saber——阿尔托莉雅·潘德拉贡,是英格兰最具传说色彩的骑士王。被召唤到架空的城镇——冬木市,发生的战斗冒险故事。丰满的人物设定和瑰丽的世界观,扣人心弦的故事至今仍在被不断扩展续写。Fate系列衍生出了无数的人物与故事,全球各地的粉丝与型月一起,享受着Fate系列浩瀚的故...
拥有独特“黑色电影”风格,曾获得“2013年科隆展最佳项目奖”“2014年开发者大会最佳游戏奖”等多项国际大奖,并在主机平台一经推出便好评如潮的冒险解谜游戏《White Night》,又将有新动态。近日,其开发商法国独立游戏工作室OSome Studio宣布,预计于今年秋季全球同步发行《White Night》手机版。手机版《White Night》将同步登陆iOS 和安卓双平台,玩家可以在手机或...