Call of Military Missile无法打开游戏攻略
Call of Military Missile
Do you have Dare to assault against other army ? Rivals have modern nuclear weapons, armors, gunship, Warship. Result of this battle may be in favour if you play your roll very well. Deadly air strike is require to destroy them but they damaged our Fighter plane, helicopter & airbase.
In this Elite war game you have chance to become a soldier from normal citizen. In this combat your job is to become a missile controller & complete such a impossible mission. Launch the missile & air the target. Lots of army tank & camp you have destroy in area. Country gives you such a big responsibility to protect your territories. Now You have survive & defense agains enemy force. Your Killer attack is mandatory to protect your country. You have to win against this army clash by surgical missile strike.
How to Play
Destroy the target and complete the mission before your missile launcher destroy monster military .
You can easily find your target in radar by red spot.
-> Here Two Types of Missile
1) Controllable Missile : When you click on fire button than missile launch now You have to control this missile by Device tilt and aim the target.
2) Non controllable Missile : Just click on targeted area & fire the missile. After missile fire you can't control that missile. It can automatically reach to it's target.
活动时间:2018-09-21 11:41:36 至 2018-09-28 11:14:38
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在 荒野行动 中,有种类繁多各式各样的武器提供挑选,有人喜欢稳狠准的M4A1,有人喜欢威力强劲的AK47,还有人偏爱子弹多的MK60,而今天的主角没有特别大的威力,没有特别 变态 的载弹量,却有着相当小的后坐力与相当快的射速,在游戏中它并不稀缺,或者可以说遍地都是,它就是MK5。
相信很多朋友这时候就要说了,这把 枪 有什么好的,白给我我都不要,放着S-ACR和98K不玩,我玩这把枪?笑话。...