Flicky Switch无法打开游戏攻略
Does anyone even read this?
Honestly, you just flick a switch, and in turn, the light talks to you in an attempt to save you from boredom.
However, the light doesn't respond to what you say because that would be too difficult. I'm not a genius. It's pretty much just a very long, one-sided conversation about random information, trivia, stories, intimate feelings, and jokes.
-You can upgrade the amount of energy you get by reaching certain levels of energy, by watching video advertisements, and one upgrade requires an in-app purchase, which keeps the light on, thus doubling the amount of energy you get.
-You can change the background color to a list of different colors in the shop.
-You can also change the skins (after reaching certain levels of energy or by watching video advertisements) of the lights, light switches, and the screws (they spin if you tap them, but they only spin clockwise).
-Just a big ol' one-sided story really.
近期,开发商Ska Studios宣布,2D横版ARPG《盐与避难所》将于2018年8月2日登陆Switch平台,本次Switch版由BlitWorks负责移植。游戏将上架e-Shop商店,售价17.99美元(约121人民币)。
暗黑血统系列最新作《暗黑血统:创世纪》将于本周在各大平台发售,缺席同步发售的还有预计在明年年初推出的Switch版。对于这个相对来说画面弱化的版本,开发商Airship Syndicate并没有“破罐子破摔”,而是要力求达到最高标准。
在最近的一次采访中,《暗黑血统:创世纪》开发商Airship Syndicate的CEO对媒体透露,目前开发团队正努力工作,虽然因为平台的不同,性能的不足,他...
Ninja Theory近日公布了《地狱之刃:塞娜的献祭》NS版的发售时间,Switch版将于4月11日正式发售,游戏的售价为29.99美元(约189人民币),感兴趣的玩家可以了解一下。
根据之前PAX East上试玩视频,NS版的运行情况十分稳定流畅,战斗时的画面表现也维持在了较高的水平。你现在可以用NS来追寻凯尔特战士塞娜的脚步,走进神秘而疯狂的维京年代、深入少女的精神世界。...