Famous People: Quiz on the History无法打开游戏攻略
Quiz game " Famous People: Quiz on the History »
it is created for studying of outstanding people in history. The game features more than 150 famous personalities of all time, who had a huge impact on the development of mankind as a whole.
Did you know what Vasco da Gama, a famous sailor and traveler, looks like? And what is Abraham Lincoln, the first President of the United States famous for? And what did Nikola Tesla do for science and humanity? In the quiz game you will find questions about these famous people, as well as many other writers, scientists, poets and many others
Test your knowledge and memory in the game Famous People: Quiz on the History - an exciting and fun, educational quiz. The application is extremely convenient to use. It will always give you a hint whether you answered correctly or not, so you will never get stuck on a question that you do not yet know the answer to.
Famous people are divided into 4 different levels:
1. The first level – the most popular celebrities such as actors, presidents.
2. The second level - scientists who have made a huge contribution to the development of science.
3. The third level-the famous entrepreneurs who founded corporations.
4. At the 4th level you will have all the famous people who are in the game.
In the game Famous People: Quiz on the History there are 5 different game modes:
- Guess the name of the celebrity and his surname by letters in easy mode(wrong letters are removed from the word)
- Guess the name and surname of a famous person by letters in a difficult mode (you will have to place all the letters correctly to complete the task)
-Select the correct option from the 4 offered.
-Select the Correct option from the proposed 6.
- Select the correct option of the 4 proposed at the time.
- Especially difficult mode: part of the portrait of a famous person will be hidden, and you have to guess it in several open parts
Also for those who only teaches various historical and famous personalities of the world, there is a training mode, which gives answers to each question that is in the game. And there is a table, and there are separate cards for different perception of information.
This educational app is perfect for all ages, especially for parents who would like to teach their children interesting and useful knowledge in a fun way.
For those who are just studying the various historical and famous personalities of the world, our game will be even more useful in that you have to repeat the tests already studied flags. Tests are made in a special way, they have 25 questions in one mode. And to guess all the celebrities-you have to go through each mode several times, which has a positive effect on the memorization of already studied persons.
The app is translated into 20 languages, including Russian and English, so you can learn the names of historical figures in any of these foreign languages. After all, knowing by heart scientists, writers, poets in one language, it will be useful to learn more and in another.
Join the army of fans and fans of world history, go through the game to the end and learn all the famous people of the world!
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