Masha and The Bear Puzzle Game无法打开游戏攻略
These Puzzle based on scenes from
Masha and the Bear
cartoon is good for kids. Both kids and adult who is interested in the genre will like Puzzle because of different modes.
• 140 puzzles from your favorite cartoon
• Each picture could be divided on 12, 24, 45 pieces
• Three modes: Easy, Hard and Duel
Rank System:
• Upgrade the ranks of Masha and the Bear
• Collect trophies
• Open new pictures
Choose the Easy mode with 12 pieces and even younger kid will complete a puzzle with favorite characters without any difficulties. All pictures are linked in chain like quest. By completing puzzles you gain the points and open new pictures in chain. You could spend your points on new ranks and trophies.
Want a challenge? Try to play on Hard mode with “difficulties”. To make it more complicated choose the puzzle from 45 pieces. Even adults will like these puzzles.
Duel mode will be perfect for family time!
It allows you to play together using just one device. Find out who will win and complete the puzzle first. Duel Mode – Find out who will complete a puzzle faster?
Your favorite characters from Masha and the Bear cartoon will help you to complete the most difficult puzzle!
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让玩家又爱又恨的知名日系游戏大厂卡普空最近又玩起了新花样,他们决定利用《街头霸王》这个经典 IP 继续搞事。只不过这一次所涉及的领域不再是我们熟悉的格斗游戏,而是一款“消除类”作品。
据了解,这一次卡普空推出的作品名为《街霸方块》(Puzzle Fighter)。是一款《街头霸王》与消消乐的“联姻”之作。游戏的玩法与我们见过的部分同类作品相似,玩家都需要通过消除己方的彩色方块...
mobcast近日对旗下游戏《Lumines: Puzzle & Music》进行更新,在游戏之中加入了全新的扩展包。
这个扩展包名为《SEKAI NO OWARI》,是游戏官方和日本摇滚乐队“世界末日”一起合作推出的一个音乐扩展包。其中收录了大量该乐队的作品,并可以在游戏中作为新的关卡进行挑战。除了新的扩展包之外,游戏的UI、时机画面也得到了提高,同时还加入了感谢的页面。
根本没有游戏There is no game攻略、接下来和小编一起看看
4.像疯子一样的狂点喇叭吧(锻炼手速哦)然后他就被 旁白 给用木板缝住了,不要慌用你的o砸掉木板然后 旁白 会...