Goitiberak VR无法打开游戏攻略
Goitibehera lasterketa, maldan behera dagoen bide batean, goitibehera ibilgailuaren gainean distantzia jakin bat azkarren jaistean datzan lasterketari deritzo.
Joko hau nahiko berria da; bere sorrera XIX. mendeko bigarren edo hirugarren hamarkadan koka genezake. Euskal haurrek jolaserako sortutako jokoa dugu. Fabrika edota meategiek baztertutako errodamenduak gurpil legez erabiliz, motorrik gabeko ibilgailua sortu zuten: goitibehera. Gure herrietan ditugun aldapak aprobetxatuz, maldan behera lortzen zuten indarra zela medio, elkarren arteko erronkak sortu ziren. Goitibeherak hasieran oso sinpleak ziren: egurrezko egitura zuten eta, gurpilak hiru errodamendu ziren, bi atzean eta bat aurrean.
Joan zen mendeko 70. hamarkadan, herriko jaien gorakadan, herritarren arteko goitibehera lasterketak antolatzen hasten dira. Umeen joko izatetik gazteen arteko lehia izatera igarotzen da. 1976an, Araban, lehen lasterketa garrantzitsua antolatzen zen: Oroko jaitsiera, Zuian.
The downhill race, in a downhill track, is called a raft that comes down to the descent on the vehicle at a faster distance.
This game is pretty new; Its origins XIX. It could be located in the second or third century of the 20th century. Basque children play a game of games. The bearings excluded from the factory or the mines were made using wheels as a vehicle for a non-motorized vehicle. By taking advantage of the slopes that we have in our towns, the strengths that the downhill ones have achieved, the different challenges emerged. The drop-downs were very simple at the beginning: they had a wooden structure and the wheels were three bearings, two behind and one in front.
In the 1970s, during the rise of the town festivals, they started organizing races among the public. It goes from being a child to a competition between young people. In 1976, in Alava, the first important race was organized: Oroko Jaia, Zuia.
《城市守卫者VR City Defender VR》是一款动作类游戏。如果你想体验成为一个超级英雄的感受,那这款游戏绝对是你不错的选择,你将身着太空服,...
雪炭STGMR作为知名VR商用解决方案商,所创品牌:平行宇宙为线下体验馆、教育、旅游、 房地产和医疗等行业,设计开发了整套软硬件和内容:如集装箱海陆空体验馆、可穿戴式电脑、重装机甲外骨骼、MR...