Super Power Robot: Jail Escaped Missions无法打开游戏攻略
This jail can’t keep you away from your freedom, your family and from serving your country like a real hero. Enemy robot powers can’t keep you imprisoned for long. Use all the resources you find & keep your furtive mode on to successfully shootout escape this cell. It is a high security prison just like Alcatraz so expect a lot of security guards equipped with modern weapons & guns, CCTV security cameras, police search dogs & patrol cars. Move around very secretly & take down the super robot security guards & police officials silently. flying robot war Pick locks, crawl through the tunnels, climb across the roofs and move along the ceiling pipes to evade.
This is a perfect time to prove your battle tactics & strategies. As a secret agent you were on a special secret mission, serving your country as a true hero but unfortunately, the enemy forces somehow managed to capture & put you behind barsExplore a breathtaking immersible Mutunt robot power, 3D prison in this free to play action adventure stealth survival jail break game. Plan your breakout, devise a strategy a plan, your ultimate escape plan to regain your freedom as your city & its citizens need you. Global terrorist special forces & villain criminals have created an alliance to get.Police cops San Andreas Super Power Robot: Jail Escaped Missions.
Super Power Robot: Jail Escaped Missions Features:
* An absolute treat for lovers of shooting & incredible super power robot hero jail survival games with comprehensive 2 modes.
* First mode has 5 levels and 2nd mode has 20 action pack levels with jail breakout.
* Special maximum security prison environment for Jail Survival Hero.
* Find tools to unlock jail cells stealthy and run to the escape point.
* Impressive controls to thoroughly engage in this battle simulator.
Actually those people of fly hero city escape who create violence in the futuristic city with their shooting, mad city mafia and change it into a crime city and then police forces carry them,To switch them into the jail same as the survival war prisoner and jail breakout games of gangster survival.If you want to become a shooting gangster, survival war prisoner, and mafia hero, and want to defeat your enemies in the battle tap then you should have practice first in the criminal clown robot,
the security of city jail adventure against the gangsters, boxeo robots, joker clown, mafias and other flying mutants was extra ordinary and power alliance and it was much difficult for each cops n robbers - prison to get escape from the city jail like criminal clown.Whenever police forces against the robot world drop the gangsters and mafia hero into the city jail, the innocent citizens get relax and they enjoy in the crime city according to their own life style without power alliance of criminal clown.But when gangster robots, mafia hero and futuristic robot war, superheroes get escape from the power robot world jail with jail breakout they get start to tease the innocent citizens in the futuristic city.
These gangsters robot and mad city mafia San Andreas Super Power Robot: Jail Escaped Missions,like super robot snatch the cars from the whole public like new superhero games, breakout battle and explore the buildings as a power robot alliance and hero escape, jump over the buildings like fly hero city escape, tease the employees of offices in the buildings and cops n robbers - prison and whenever they see any police team in the stealth joker game they just start shooting on them.
Plan a best prison jail adventure escape plan in this FPS Frontline Hero and kill all prison rivals with shooting in this jail escape as an incredible super robots and police robot,cops robot, that come in the way of your stealth escape as a cops n robbers - prison.Attack strongly and stealthy in such an amazing escape story of gangster survival, city jail adventure, breakout battle, fly hero city escape and Show super amazing action fighting stunts with survival war prisoner.
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