Road Traffic Racer : Cadillac无法打开游戏攻略
Road Traffic Racer : Cadillac
is a driving game endless arcade racing.
Different cars like Cadillac and others.
Drive your car through highway traffic,move car from front side of other cars and earn coin.
Key Features:
- Attractive 3D graphics
- detailed environments: snowy , spring
- Endless game
- Basic customization through paint
- Score game
- Different cars with other power.
Game play:
- Move car with right and left arrow.
- Touch gas pedal to accelerate.
- Touch brake pedal to slow down.
- Move car from front side of other cars and get 150 to 400 coin.
以下就是小编为大家带来的未选之路Road Not Taken全配方合成表分享:
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