4096 ENDLESS无法打开游戏攻略
4096 game rules:
Just try to add 4096 and the game will win!
Play to 4096, you can continue to play, infinite mode! Challenge the limits of the human brain!
4096 tips
1. The maximum number is placed in the corner as much as possible, and the numbers are arranged in the immediate order. First, the column or row in which the largest and the second largest number are satisfied is full.
We need to note that in order to keep the maximum number in the corner, all the directions that the maximum number may move can no longer be operated, such as selecting the upper left corner.
Then you can't move other squares to the right and down, so the flexibility of the operation will be relatively reduced and the difficulty will increase.
At this time, it is recommended that the player not only select a corner, but also fix an edge and place a large number on the edge so that it can move in three directions. For example, select the upper left corner and fill all the squares on the right side of the maximum number. The upper, left, and right directions have moved. Since the second largest number should be as fixed as possible, we do not consider moving in four directions.
2. Always pay attention to the number of activities (32 or more) next to the number. This little trick requires us to develop habits when playing this game. Otherwise, when the hard-working mergers are not together, you will cry!
3. Determine the primary and secondary directions, with the primary direction of movement of the large number. When it is not explicitly planned to obtain a certain number of cells, it is preferred to move in the main direction.
4. Don't rush to merge the same numbers. Many players are always eager to merge the same numbers, and the merged blocks are merged in the first place.
This is actually not conducive to us to take high scores, squares arranged into a regular rectangle, have to move the squares in the opposite direction of the large number of rows, it is easy to cause the formation collapse. At the same time, when large numbers are merged,
Very small numbers are easily stuffed into the big number. So we must think a few more steps, like playing chess, don't rush to "clean up the desktop."
I wish you a good time! Enjoy the game!
#puzzle game # Fun to addictive to no game! #The world's most awkward math and geek game!
#4096 Game! #2048Next generation game!
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