HB Following Directions无法打开游戏攻略
The award-winning, evidence-based software program is now an Android app! HearBuilder Following Directions gives students a systematic way to improve their auditory and following directions skills! At the same time, students will learn how to become Master Toy Makers while building their own Toy Central factories.
Take a free tour of the first level of all the activities in the app. If you have a subscription to HearBuilder Online and a student login, you can access the entire app.
App features:
•Follow increasingly difficult directions
•Demonstrate knowledge of 40 basic concepts in five areas: Basic Directions, Sequential Directions, Quantitative & Spatial Directions, Temporal Directions, and Conditional Directions
•Research and evidence based
•Teaches children important listening and sound awareness for reading
•Uses a fun game format to teach children better auditory processing and listening skills
•Meets the needs of children with different skill levels
•Monitors progress and provides frequent feedback
•Allows educator to add background noise at any level
今天,国外第三方购物平台Humble bundle提前开启“黑色星期五”购物福利,Steam上原价48元的游戏《野兽传奇》(Brutal Legend)现可限时免费领取。领取时间为11月21日至11月23日凌晨2点。
《野兽传奇(Brutal Legend)》讲述的是主人公埃迪(Eddie)是一名死去的巡回乐队经理,为了逃离地狱前往摇滚乐天堂而踏上了充满血腥的战斗之路。游戏巧妙的将摇滚音乐融...
虽然Humble Bundle已被IGN娱乐收购,成为IGN旗下站点。但网站里的福利性质并不会改变。今天HB的喜加一活动再开,《文明3:完整版(SID MEIER'S CIVILIZATION® III: COMPLETE)》可限时免费领取,截至发稿前,距离活动结束还有一天16个小时,走过路过不要错过。
Humble Bundle今天开启了新的免费游戏活动,玩家可以在HB商店免费领取原价95元的FPS游戏《黑暗领域2》。本次活动持续2天,将于3月30日凌晨结束,感兴趣的朋友不要错过了哦。
领取方式如下:打开页面注册并登录后将游戏加入购物车(Add to Cart),点击购物车图标后“Get it for free”,结算即可。
《黑暗领域 2》是款第一人称射击游戏,由...