Word Search and Connect无法打开游戏攻略
A simple game to play , but if you don't focus you wont see the words.
How to play Word : Search and Connect
Lookup all the possible combinations and try to form the words.
There are a few simple words that don not connect... try to find the larger and
difficult words because those matter.
You can swipe to connect letters in all directions, even in circles.
Find word by word and pas level by level increasing the difficulty in the same time.
❗ Some levels are easy being in the same word category and some levels contain very
different word category.
You can use hints to help yourself, and when you run out if hints you can buy more or
complete a FREE survey or just share the word game via social channels.
Complete the levels of the word game any time even offline.
It's an addictive game but you can grow your vocabulary and learn a new word.
Please don't forget to rate us and leave a review saying what you liked or disliked, so we can understand your needs and provide you with the best content.
Play and ENJOY❗
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