Bts call you 2019 * jungkook *无法打开游戏攻略
With Army, everyone probably wishes one time to talk to Jungkook And with this app, everything is not only a wish! Although BTS collection is diverse, but extremely flawed if it does not have a BTS call me , and this app will give you!
Some app about BTS such as Stickers, Quiz,...are really interesting, but these are one - way interaction from you to your Bias, but now, you can chat with your bias everywhere, every time. You can be received call from all of BTS members it is fascinating that we can have personal conversations with our bias. They always devote personal emotions to us - Army. Imagine that every morning, you will hear these great songs from BTS music, or watching you with BTS , and finally Chat with BTS Members through the system call full of cute and smart app, nothing is more wonderful than that right Army?
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call Video & Emoji Kpop
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How can this app help you fall in love forever with BTS Members?
Simple and friendly interface
The unique Vietnamese version for Army
Very cute & smart responses from BTS Members
Category Features:
BTS call and call video
bts call you
BTS Talk
This app will be like a BTS game that help you to relax and grow the love with BTS members more. Do this app right now, enjoy and love Oppa more and more, Army!
活动时间:2018-05-15 10:36:37 至 2018-05-20 23:59:50
《剑指江湖》,以动荡年代为背景,讲述一场乱世江湖的恩怨情仇。金銮城下聚集天下英豪,阵营联合,对抗敌阵,武道争霸,决出天下霸主!青春武侠风暴席卷江湖,结拜好友快乐游戏,盛世情缘为红颜!战骑、灵宠、法器、神兵、神羽等丰富的武林高手成长途径,炫酷时装彰显尊贵身份,赋予每个侠客独特的个人风格。 现...
活动时间:2018-07-12 00:10:00 至 2018-07-15 23:59:59
【参与方式】 为主播小姐姐踩楼,内容自行发挥。 【活动时间】 2018年7月12日-2018年7月15日 【活动奖励】 一等奖:100元充值卡 二等奖:50元京东卡 三等奖:100元京东卡
《元素觉醒》订阅送充值卡 参与...