The Bubble Math无法打开游戏攻略
The Bubble Math is a simple math game with a different answer method, you have to choose the answer by shooting a bubble containing the answer that you think is right. With a look and cheerful music, it is suitable for anyone who wants to practice their basic mathematical abilities with ease and fun.
There are more levels and stars that you can get, with 3000 more possible random questions that will appear and 5 different underwater themes that can make your counting practice fun. With all the basic mathematical operations you will lack a variety of questions.
Get extra time so you get a long time to answer all questions and win 3 stars.
How to play:
- First, you have to answer all math questions that appear at each level
- Answer the question by shooting one of the bubbles containing the correct answer in your opinion
- In one game you will be given time to answer all questions, if in the specified time you do not complete all the questions then you fail and don't get a star
- You are given 3 lives on one level, every time you answered the question wrongly your life will decrease and if your life runs out then you fail and don't get a star
- Get extra time by shooting bubble that containing the time icon
- 50 available levels
- a maximum of 150 stars can be obtained
- 3000 more possible random questions
- 5 different underwater themes
- with all basic mathematical operations
- extra time bubbles
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- Background and colorful number created by freepik
- Game elements created by brgfx on freepik
- Sound effects obtained from
- Music background obtained from
《Bubble Tower HD》是一款休闲益智游戏,玩法上很像小时候玩的积木,但是玩家在游戏中不是叠积木,而是要考验你拆积木的技巧。玩家要想办法将积木给抽离,让在顶端的蓝色方块顺利地掉到底端的绿色平台上才可以通关。
开服时间:5月10日10:00 首测1服【瞒天过海】
在日前成都国色天乡水上乐园举行的万人泡泡跑活动中,国民级策略手游《亮有一计》闪亮登场,为首次删档测试举行了一次特别的“亮相”仪式。 ...
开服时间:5月10日10:00 首测1服【瞒天过海】