It's Only Me无法打开游戏攻略
Its only me, which means there will be only you as a player to kill the enemy. You only have Two Arrows I mean you only have two Arms to kill the enemy. The enemy will come anywhere from your screen Sides. Only you need to do is to kill them by hitting them with arrows Oh I mean with your arms. Enemy will be killed by arrows else they will stick to you. As much as you kill the enemy you will get coins and scores. Coins will help you to Buy Players Skins and Powers. And yes you also have some Powers to destroy your enemy and to score better. With Scores you can share your scores on social media and compete with your friends and family. Share your score and challenge them to beat you in this Game its Only Me.
Developer: = Hemunt Sharma.
This is my first game. This Game Contain Ads Which can help me to earn and grow more in this field. Download this Game and enjoy.
"its only me", "itsonlyme".
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网易打造首款明星养成手游《小时代(官方游戏)》,最核心的玩法是其“明星养成系统”—— 令玩家将轻松变身,成为游戏中的主角,感受明星成长的全程新体验。在游戏里我们要从主角出道前的平凡生活开始体验,玩家将亲身走进《小时代(官方游戏)》的世界中,一步步地按着自己喜爱的成长路线发展,看着手中的清纯可人的小女生慢慢成长为万众瞩目的时尚女王,相信这样全程一来玩家的满足感肯定爆棚!