Think Numbers 2 More brain busting riddles无法打开_九游手机游戏
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Think Numbers 2  More brain busting riddles无法打开
Think Numbers 2 More brain busting riddles无法打开
Think Numbers 2  More brain busting riddles无法打开
Think Numbers 2 More brain busting riddles无法打开游戏攻略
Think numbers 2 is the follow up to the popular original ‘Think Numbers’ ditloid riddle game! Numbers are all around us. We use it to sort and categorize information, keep score in sports and games or just to tell what the time and date is! Numbers also occur frequently in nature, whether it is in the number of petals on a flower, the number of fingers on your hand or legs on a spider, chances are good it will have a number associated with it. We deal with numbers on a day to day basis. Do you ever take the time to actually stop and look around to see the different ways they are embedded in the things around us? About the game and Level Breakdown Think Numbers 2 contains a variety of word puzzles commonly referred to as ‘ditloids’. A ‘ditloid’ is a type of alpha-numeric word puzzle in which a phrase, quotation, date, or fact must be deduced from the numbers and abbreviated letters in the clue. The categories in the game on which the 'ditloids' are based, varies significantly but common categories include: Games, Sports, Nature, Space, Time, Science, Maths, Religion and lots more! This follow-up version of the original game contains an additional 121 levels for your enjoyment! Each level contains a riddle corresponding to the level number. Here are some number fact riddle examples... Can you guess what these are? ★ 7 W of the W ★ 9 P in the S S ★ 12 S of the Z ★ 18 H on a G C ★ 24 H in a D ★ 60 M in an H ★ 64 S on a C B To solve the puzzles, the letters have to be figured out through creativity and logic to discover the common phrase or sentence. Can you spot the significance of each number from 1 to 121 in this ultimate brain busting quiz? How to Play Tap letters on the keyboard rack in the sequence that you want them to fill the open input letter fields. To remove wrongly types letters, tap on letters in the input fields to place them back on the keyboard rack, or tap on the eraser to clear all fields. Words that are correct will automatically be saved and the corresponding letters will be removed from the keyboard rack. There are clue buttons available on the bottom right. If you get stuck, tap on the lightbulb to reveal a random letter, or tap on the picture frame to reveal a picture clue. How far will your brilliant mind take you? Recognizing the role, a specific number play in general life can be a real challenge, and this game will definitely put some strain on your brain! Don’t give up - you will solve them all eventually! Think Numbers 2 - Key Features ★ Think numbers 2 is a hard game. It’s the ultimate number related, word based riddle game! ★ Don’t get stuck! Use hints to view a picture clue, or reveal random letters ★ Some levels are really easy, while others are extremely tough… Suitable for young and old! ★ 100 riddles to solve related to various general life categories. ★ Clean, minimal and elegantly designed playful graphics in HD! ★ Leader board – Compare your progress with other players over the world. ★ Play offline – no internet connection required! Think Numbers 2 has all the elements that make a riddle / quiz game great: ★ Language / Linguistic equations – Fun ‘ditloid’ riddles involving common expressions containing numbers and words. ★ Puzzle Games - Many levels of thought-provoking fun. ★ Brain Teasers - Push yourself and exercise your brain, memory and problem solving skills ★ Family Puzzle Games - Enjoy the game with the whole family. See who can solve each level the fastest… Thank you for your support and happy solving! JBC Interactive
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《Think Numbers 2 More brain busting riddles无法打开》有时候在下载Think Numbers 2 More brain busting riddles或者是更新了新版之后会出现无法打开的情况,那么要怎么办呢?其实在出现Think Numbers 2 More brain busting riddles打不开的情况时,你需要检查手机系统的固件是否支持该游戏,或者是下载时因为网络的问题,导致没有下载完整而出现无法打开的情况。那么可以通过以下方法解决: 通过九游下载最新版本,进入到九游门户中搜索Think Numbers 2 More brain busting riddles,点击进入专区进行下载就可以了,操作简单,而且还有高速下载,全程为你省时省流量。
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