Learn Chess Play Chess无法打开游戏攻略
Do you want to learn chess? Then this is the app for you. This app contains lessons for each piece and a two player chess game. In each lesson, you will be able to move the pieces, perform the unique moves such as castling ,and practice attacking other pieces. In addition, you will understand the rules of chess such as what happens during check and how to win the game. After finishing the lessons, you can play chess with colorful two player chess game with another person. This two player chess game includes all the unique moves like castling and en passant. It also tells if a player made an illegal move or is in check. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS WHEN YOU START THE APP.
距离E3 2018还有不到3个月的时间,虽然这场游戏盛会人人都想参加,但EA却有自己的小算盘,因为今年他们又将自己举办EA Play活动。今年的EA Play将于6月9日至11日在好莱坞Palladium剧院举行,而今日据Reddit论坛爆料,《战地5》可能就会在那时正式公布。
有图有真相,网友nitsuaztnarf直接晒出了疑似EA Play的宣传横幅,红色的背景上不仅有活动地址和举办时间,...