Save Mini Town无法打开游戏攻略
One day, you, as a strange traveller, come across a town, called Mini Town by the citizens, and then ask for stay in the town along your journey. While you stay in the town, the mayor and citizens ask for your help around the town to help build the Mini Town into the better Town.
The Mini Town economic's also have to be maintained with your support by buy and sell things around. There is also a Mine in Mini Town which can be used to raise your income and the Mini Town's income.
Also the citizens in Mini Town always got attacked and looted by the Bandits from the forest near the Mini Town because if the citizens do not obey bandit's wish, they do not hesitate to hurt or even kill anyone that disobey them. So, you have to defend the Mini Town from bandits frequently. If you have enough resources, then you can strike back the Bandit's attack and of course with some help along the way.
So, prepare yourself to defend Mini Town from everything.
Flower Town什么时候公测?相信有很多朋友都在等候Flower Town的正式公测上线吧,那么Flower Town的公测时间是什么时候呢?看看小编带来的预测吧。
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