Guess The PUBG Guns & Items无法打开游戏攻略
Are you a Noob or PRO? Whatever
this Game is Right for you!
you must PLAY this Game.
Prove yourself how much you know about the PUBG Game.
"Guess The PUBG Guns & Items" is Really Amazing Game,
Easy to Play but Quite NOT too Easy to WIN.
You must be a PRO and then you easily answer and Unlock the Most Advanced Levels of the Game.
* Contain All New and Old PUBG Weapons with All Extra Items Images (continue...)
* Earn Coin Easily
* Spent Coin for Hint. when you get stuck!
* Receive Daily Coins!
* Unlock New Levels with Guess new Guns from various different Maps!
* Ask your Friends for help if you don't know the PUBG Weapons or Items on the Picture & Get Level Up.
* Challenge your friends in on any social network to see who Guess the most PUBG Weapons and Items.
* Guess Maximum PUBG Guns and Items to Earn More Coin.
Every Month/Season Add New PUBG Items...
《PUBG MOBILE》联动《生化危机2:重制版》事件名为《Zombie:SurviveTill Dawn》,作为最新游戏模式更新上线,来自《生化危机2:重制版》的丧尸们疯狂涌入,给玩家们提供大量物资,模式中有着昼夜交替,在白天行动缓慢的“移动物资”到...
近日R星母公司Take Two在接受采访时谈到了“大逃杀”类游戏,他表示第一批效仿者往往可以获得成功,但是那些直接抄袭的游戏往往会陷入困境。他认为,快速地进入这个新“市场”是明智的,但全盘去复制是...
PUBG Xbox 版本下周发布,之前的消息说游戏开发商努力让 PUBG 在 Xbox One X 上达到 60fps,在 Xbox One 上达到 30 - 40fps,开发商表示,他们仍然试图把 Xbox One 的速度提高到 60fps,但看起来在发布之前不会发生。
然而 PUBG 开发商几天前在推特上澄清了这个问题,它表示,30fps 将是两个 Xbox 版本的帧速率:“虽然我之前曾...