Ghiceste Concurentii Iumor Sez 6无法打开游戏攻略
**Iti place umorul si te uiti la Tv/Telefon/PC la emisiunea iumor ? Atunci incearca aplicatia asta si incearca sa ghicesti concurentiii sau invitatii ce au fost in sezonul 6 la iumor.
**Daca nu mai stii numele unui concurent, te poti ajuta de banutii pe care i-ai strans pana in momentul de fata si ai 3 sugestii. Daca ai ramas fara banuti, poti intreba un prieten.
**Daca ti-a placut nu uita sa lasi o recenzie si arata-le si prietenilor tai.
** Do you like humor and watch TV / Phone / PC on the iumor show? Then try this application and try to guess the competitions or invitations that were in season 6 at iumor.
** If you do not know the name of a competitor, you can help with the bangs you've got up to now and have 3 suggestions. If you were stuck without a suspect, you could ask a friend.
** If you liked, do not forget to leave a review and show them to your friends.
由国内著名游戏厂商飞流打造的、日本SNK PLAYMORE游戏公司授权的噬魂题材动作手游《侍魂6手游》火热来袭,这里为各位玩家朋友抢先带来侍魂6手游官网最新版下载,喜欢的朋友可以下载侍...