Ab Talt Avtura无法打开游戏攻略
Începeti aventura cu Abi Talent, personajul carismatic care a cucerit România prin melodiile sale virale de pe Youtube.
In acest joc Abi Talent trebuie sa treaca peste rockeri dar si peste alte obstacole foarte amuzante.In fiecare scena veti putea auzi replicile amuzante ale personajului Abi Talent.
Scopul lui este sa ajunga cat mai departe si sa colecteze cat mai multi bani pentru a-si putea cumpara haine noi si fresh.
Ajuta-l pe Abi sa stea departe de saracie!!!
Daca iti place jocul arata-le si prietenilor tai si dovedeste ca esti fanul suprem al lui Abi Talent.
Jocul nu are ca scop jignirea nimanui si este o parodie.
Joc romanesc realizat de GameStudioCT.
Muzica provenita de la : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSFKHPwZHxP4xtvgGjudpKw
Va rugam raportati orice bug gasit in review pe email sau pe Google Play!
Start adventure with Abi Talent, the charismatic character who conquered Romania through its viral songs on Youtube.
In this game Abi Talent has to go over rockers but also over other very funny obstacles.In every scene you will be able to hear the funny replicas of character Abi Talent.
His goal is to go as far as possible and collect as much money as possible to buy new and fresh clothes.
Help Abi stay away from poverty !!!
If you like the game, show them to your friends and prove that you are the supreme fan of Abi Talent.
The game is not intended to offend anyone and is a parody.
Romanian game by GameStudioCT.
Music coming from: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSFKHPwZHxP4xtvgGjudpKw
Please report any bug found in the review by email or on Google Play!
RO手游新版本更新内容AB料理价格调整,本次新版本更新完成后将会对A级料理价格调整为5,000 Zeny,B级料理价格调整为25,000 Zeny,同时道场等级上也会做出调整。我们于1月16日20点30分进行一次停机维护,维护时间预计3小时30分钟。维护期间无法进入游戏,给大家带来不便非常抱歉。
维护结束后,对全体玩家发放100,000 Zeny的维护福利!
美过AB 《吕布X吕布》武将整容换装倾国倾城
【基腐张角 变性只为于吉】