VR Mission Mars Expedition (Google Cardboard)无法打开游戏攻略
VR Mission Mars Expedition is a space exploration journey ride on planet Mars. Enjoy a space relaxation thrill ride on the suce of Mars. There is a lot of sand storms and a deserted space station in there. You can also find martians running around. Become a space astronaut, enjoy the beautiful land of Mars and explore our solar system.
You don't need any joypad to play our game. Game works with all Google Cardboard based VR glasses.
• supports all Google Cardboard based VR Headsets
• no touch controls needed
• ooth joy ride
• animated martians (aliens)
• dark/horror background music
Note: This app requires a VR headset for best results.
If you like our space rollercoaster, please give it a rate and a review.
明天就是2017年的西方情人节(Valentine's Day)啦!今年,Google在首页特别推出了一个既sweet又好玩的小游戏「穿山甲之恋」,大家可以在游戏里过关斩将之余,还可以提升对穿山甲的认识和增强保育意识。游戏讲述主角穿山甲跋山涉水,收集可可豆为恋人制作甜点的故事。
根据外媒The Information消息,网易近期正在与谷歌进行谈判,意图让Google Play重新进入中国市场。
目前,两家公司还未对此消息发表评论。此前,谷歌的母公司Alphabet的董事长曾表示,谷歌需要在中国市场找到一个商业伙伴来开展一些业务。基于Google Play是谷歌现在唯一通过安卓生态实现的盈利模式,以及中国市场的巨大潜力,在过去的两年中,也一直有消息称谷歌想要让软件商店重...
今日,任天堂手机游戏《火焰纹章:英雄》正式开启Google Play预约,玩家在预约后等到游戏2月2日正式上市时便能接到提醒,但游戏目前不支持中文。