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MU Origin Mobile EU (Newest Version)
A great mobile experience presented by MMORPG Mu Online Philippines. Brand New Free (MMORPG) based on old MU continent. Enjoy with 5 different races in the journey to become the most powerfull warrior in the Land.
1.Great Game play and Free to play game system.
--This "Mu Origin" Server brings you the best of MMORPG to the New Role Playing Game of MU.
2. Most stunning visuals!
--Immerse yourself in the Incredible 3D graphics and effects!
--Endless customization for looks, equipment and pets. Equip your hero to every unrivaled detail.
3. Explore The Continent of Mu Origin with a Vast amount of Maps
--20 Maps to be explored in many scenarios to live the perfect MMORPG
4. Most exciting "PVP!"
--Real time PvP with many events to earn Fame and Honor and become the greates fighter of (Mu Origin) World
--Play Cross Server battles and become the Mightiest warrior
5. Non-stop "adventure"
-- Play With non stop to farm jewels, esences and forge your own materials in this fantastic Role playing Game
--Raiding field BOSS for rich resources and EXP for whole day!
6. Most innovative gameplay!
--Assault other guilds territories and loot their resources.
--Join Raids to fight te most powerfull demons
--Strenght your weapons to the limit and defeat your enemies.
you’ll never be bored in the adventure of Mu Origin World
7. "Clash" with guilds - "Guild War!"
Fight agains other guilds of your server and become the mighiest, defeat your enemies to collect the most valuable resources.
8.- Select among 5 Races, Summoner, Archer, Magic Gladiator, Warrior Knight, Magician and become the most powerfull of all.
"Mu" Origin Mobile EU
Is a Mobile Game is a Real Time new free 3D MMORPG.
With a quest based leveling system for Mu Origin Role Playing Game, vast dungeons to dive into and an open world.
Fast leveling to increase your character’s power with tons of content and no level cap.
Defeat World Bosses and much more in this Amazing Mobile Adventure Role Playing Game.
We are always striving to provide the best user experience for our players.
We are also looking for your feedback, suggestion or recommendation.
Please, feel free to contact us anytime, check our Facebook!
Contact us any time!
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