Sharp - target shooting game无法打开游戏攻略
Sharp is a shooting simulator that feels extremely real because of a new technology of augmented reality. It gives you an opportunity to take aim at any target that you find appropriate and to shoot it without getting anybody hurt. It needs no bullets, so it’s absolutely safe and fun. You can use it anywhere, no internet connection is needed. After some shots fired you can find all the bullet holes and total scores on your virtual target and then improve your shooting skills.
How to use the shooting simulator game: (Procedure consists in a few simple steps:)
- Take a photo of any object that you want to use as a virtual target
- Hold your artphone as a real pistol
- Point the barrel to the target object
- Pull the trigger to make a shot
- Observe the results of your shots
Now you can learn to shoot in your indoor range absolutely free. Play the shooting game with your kids and friends, compare your scores, have fun!Sharp is an awesome precise shooter that will change your view on target shooting games. Be careful! It’s safe, but addicting!
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Samsara Game第一关图文攻略
Ultra Sharp中文版下载是一款小游戏,这款游戏在好几个国家都风靡了哦,Ultra Sharp手游玩法简单,就是利用手机去切割屏幕上的物体,操作简单,也没有什么新奇之处,但是就是让人上瘾哦,街机玩法的风格,感兴趣的快来下载吧!
Ultra Sharp中文版下载游戏资料
Ultra Sharp中文版下载是一款拥有独特玩法的线条切割关卡挑战游戏,你需要用你的手指滑动屏幕来切割各种形状的方...
Ultra Sharp游戏,一款以切切切为玩法的游戏,在游戏中,使用手指进行切切切,体验从未如此锐利的手指!成为一个切割大师!
Ultra Sharp游戏简介
备受瞩目且屡获殊荣的物理游戏“Super Sharp”(2015年度编辑精选)现已推出!
利用完美的切割技巧完成Ultra Sharp 192个巧妙的手工制作级别,成为切割大师!
Ultra Shar...