Dice Roller 3D: Rainbow Dice无法打开游戏攻略
Rainbow Dice is a dice rolling program aimed at supporting any game requiring dice including roll playing games. Gamers can specify the number of dice, the number of sides, what number each die starts at and whether two consecutive dice definitions should have their results added or subtracted. Currently all dice have numeric values on their sides. Specifying other symbols is not possible. But you can choose the increment to be something other than 1. Dice configurations can be configured so that dice are rerolled it a specified number is rolled. The result is printed at the top of the screen.
The dice are displayed using 3D (using the vulkan library). The program uses the accelerometer to calculate how fast the dice are accelerating towards the walls of the virtual box they are in. The dice bounce to the top of the screen for added visability. They bounce off the walls and gain spin. They bounce off each other as well. The randomness in the rolls comes completely from the physics of how the dice bounce and spin and from the accelerometer. The user can add randomness into the roll by shaking the device while the roll is happening.
The following screen shows the app after rolling the dice. Note that the result is displayed and computed for the user in a separate text box.
Source code may be viewed at: https://github.com/cerulean-quasar/rainbowDice
针对大量批评,DICE执行制作人Aleksander Grøndal在Twitter上进行了回应。他表示DICE作为游戏开发者,他们的设计哲学是娱乐性永远高于真实性。
最近,在的采访中,DICE的技术总监Christian Holmquist谈到了《战地5》的光线跟踪。并对该游戏的优化有着极大的信心,承诺开启RTX的效果也能保持60帧。
虽然光线追踪的性能表现目前有点令人担忧,但DICE认为,他们能够在1920 x 1080的分辨率下,达到60fps的水平。然而,在游戏的某些场景中,开发人员会人为调低光线跟踪的效果,以抑制性能表现的下降。
大富翁类手游《Game of Dice》在国服将即,宣布国服正式定名为《富翁时代》而这款游戏也将会在8月31日上架全平台,同时还有韩国明星PSY鸟叔和Running Man成员李光洙倾情加入,这款创新型手游又会有哪些好玩的东西呢?