Monkey King Classic新手攻略游戏攻略
[Monkey King]
The player must ascend a construction site while avoiding obstacles such as barrels and fireballs to rescue his girlfriend.
Monkey King is the main enemy. In the game, Monkey King was the pet gorilla of the player, but he escapes and angrily carries player's girlfriend Lady to the top of a high construction site. He is pursued by the player and attacks him by throwing Barrels and creating living Fire. He is eventually chased to the top of the construction site, where player causes the girders supporting him to collapse, sending him plummeting to the ground.
[Monkey King Jr.]
In this game, Monkey King Junior is trying to rescue his father Monkey King, who has been imprisoned. Monkey King's cage is guarded.
In the first three stages, Monkey King Jr. has to climb to the top screen while avoiding things such as Snapjaws and Nitpickers. When he gets to the top screen, he has to climb up the rope next the keyhole.
In the 4th stage, Monkey King Jr. has to move all the keys up to the keyhole of the chains to save Monkey King. After that, the game will start over, at a somewhat faster pace.
100道门系列的新作100道门2017(100 Doors Classic)来啦,想知道游戏怎么过,如何通关吗?那就不要错过这里的100道门2017通关攻略哦。
《100道门2017 100 Doors Classic》是一款经典的100门益智类解谜游戏。
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