Toy Pop Adventure: Block Crush下载不了怎么办游戏攻略
Match 3 blocks! When you swap, blocks will pop and once they pop, fun can't stop!
Bored of similar 4 direction match 3 puzzle games? Looking for different puzzles game?!
Try TOY POP ADVENTURE, the SIX DIRECTIONS Match 3 Puzzle game with bee hive shaped hexa puzzle blocks!
TOY POP ADVENTURE is an easy and fun game that men and women of all ages can enjoy!
Play TOY POP ADVENTURE, the BEST free matching games for adults & children!
Enjoy the fun and magic of TOY POP ADVENTURE! The new FREE MATCH 3 game from the creators of casual puzzle games!!
- Puzzle game with simple rules where you need to use your brain and skills
- Easy to learn and fast game play
- More than 500 addictive levels
- No game play limit like heart or life. Play as much as you want at anytime, anywhere without time limit!
- You can play offline. You do not need network, wi-fi, data or internet!
- Free helpful boosters / items everyday!
- Fast download, light file size!
- More than 10 languages supported
App Permissions
[Required Permissions]
- none
[Optional Permissions]
- Photo / Media / File: required storage access permission to save game data
[Permission setting and withdrawal method]
- Android 6.0+: Device Settings> Application Management> Select App> Revoke Access
- Under Android 6.0: Can revoke access by deleting application
Thank you!
还记绿色的塑料玩具大兵吗?他们是许多80后男生童年的回忆。多少个儿时的下午,我们把这些绿色大兵摆成阵型,在想象的空间中模仿一次枪林弹雨。现在,根据玩具大兵改编的策略塔防游戏《玩具塔防 Toy Defense》(《玩具塔防》)登陆安卓平台。这款游戏早先在iOS平台发布,受到玩家的广泛好评。绿色的大兵、绿色的坦克,一切都没有变,但童年的想象力似乎再也回不来了。
《玩具塔防 Toy Defens...
来自Melesta Games的
塔防游戏《玩具塔防 Toy Defense》即将于11月中旬登陆安卓。此前游戏已发布iOS版,Melesta Games决定将其释放到Google Play与安卓玩家们见面。尽管《玩具塔防 Toy Defense》的画面不像《哨兵3:家园保卫战 Sentinel 3: Homeworld》
NEXON近日宣布,旗下游戏新作《CRUSH MON》(크러쉬몬)将在不久后上架,游戏的预注册现已开启。