Guess the soccer team - logo quiz football下载不了怎么办游戏攻略
This soccer logo quiz is the most complete that you can find because it includes the most important football leagues in the world. Guess the football club with our 2 game modes and enjoy the 4 types of logo of each team. ❤ More than 1.500 logos to guess! ❤
There are millions of fans of sports around the world, many know a lot of soccer teams but they want to know more, or really they don’t know how many football logo already know, what better than a football quiz on your mobile that contains the most important first division leagues of all the world.
How much do you know about soccer and football clubs? We have 2 game modes:
★ Guess the name: You will see 1 soccer club and you will have to choose the correct between 4 names
★ Guess the logo: You can read the name of football teams and choose the football logo that corresponds with the name
Challenge yourself in this soccer test, we are sure that you will not get bored. We include the possibility of playing leagues individually, all continent teams divided into levels... many options for each game to be different but just as fun.
⚽ 2 game modes with more than 350 teams and 1.500 logos
⚽ You can play each logo in 4 types: normal, black and white, chess and swirl
⚽ Guess the soccer team of the most important leagues in the world
⚽ Logo quiz football to play entire leagues or all continent teams divided into levels
⚽ You will always see the correct answer
⚽ Translated to many languages
Start discovering now how much do you know about football with hours and hours of fun and hundreds of combined questions. We love knowing your opinion about the game and how we can improve it to you.
Important Note: All Logos and names of soccer clubs shown in this game are protected by copyright and trademark of their respective corporations. This football logo quiz is for fun and knowledge. We believe that the use of low-resolution logo images in this app for the use of identification in a positive and informational context may qualify as fair use under United States copyright law.
Soccer Kick破解版是一款画面非常真实的足球在线竞技手机游戏,用你的实力来征服你的对手,通过了各种比拼的方式来秀出你的球机,成为伟大的足球巨星,受到观众热情的欢呼,在绿茵场上将你所有的专注力都投入到足球赛中,让你的足球在空中飞行出一道美丽的弧线,穿越各种障碍物能够到达球门,最终成功的得分,一道绚丽的色彩在空中划过。
Soccer Kick在哪里下载?这是一款世界杯足球竞技游戏,非常的魔性,很多的玩家都很喜欢玩,小编为大家带来了Soccer Kick在线下载地址,感兴趣的玩家快来看看吧!
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