New Switch the Color 3D 2018下载地址游戏攻略
New Switch the Color 3D 2018 is an arcade game with a simple approach but a high level of difficulty. Your goal is to get a colorful little ball through tons of different obstacles. Every time you get past an obstacle, the ball changes its color and you can only come into contact with the current color.
New Switch the Color 3D 2018's gameplay is simple: every time you tap the screen it gives your ball a little jolt. If you go too slow, your ball may fall, but if you tap too quickly, it might make you crash into one of the game's many obstacles.
There are dozens of differently designed obstacles: spinning triangles with different colored sides, cubes made up of little colorful circles that contract and expand, multi-colored vertical bands that move from side to side ... There are tons of obstacles and you need quick fingers to beat them all.
New Switch the Color 3D 2018 is an arcade game with a simple, fun premise and beautiful graphics. Plus, the huge number of obstacles and balls you can unlock guarantee tons of playing time.
熟悉任天堂的玩家都知道,老任发售新主机时总是喜欢向玩家们附赠游戏,所以最近大家都感觉《1-2 Switch》也是一款附赠品,但事实上这次大家想多了,它是一款正儿八经的单独发售的首发游戏。
《1-2 Switch》宣传片:
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