Cold Blooded Sniper Shooting下载地址游戏攻略
Cold Blooded Sniper Shooting is a full action and shooting sniper FPS game.
In the game, your mission is to destroy the enemy who invaded your land. The game is full of challenging missions. You have to use your superb sniper skills to destroy enemies.
You are an outstanding warrior in the army. The army has provided you with a variety of powerful sniper weapons, assault rifles, machine guns and the latest military equipment. So you can better accomplish various difficult missions. Go to the battlefield, join the battle. In the exciting battle, you are a well-trained commando and your mission is to destroy all terrorists. Clear up all the obstacles and protect the peace in the world.
Great sniper game for players who like action, shooting and war. Play as an army sniper with superior sniper skills and combat skills, destroy enemies and finish missions. Prove you are the best sniper.
Cold Blooded Sniper Shooting Features:
- realistic 3D scene
- Simple operation and control
- Challenging missions
- Real shooting effect
- a variety of powerful weapons
- Amazing music and sound effects
- Play games anytime, anywhere
A:本次“Cold War”测试的开放时间为7月28日11:00——8月4日23:59;
A:本次“Cold War”测试只针对安卓设备,IOS用户请耐心期待。
跨次元军武对战手游《装甲联盟》7月28日11点即将开启首次渠道测试。“Cold War”来袭,在炎热的夏季带来最凉爽的军武旋风!这一次,世界因你而变。首测预约于今日正式开启,抢占先机就在此时!
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