Exploration Pro Begins下载地址游戏攻略
Here you can find a world were you can make your own, make all your dreams come true
Enjoy a world full of pixel bricks where you can craft your wildest imagination
Build your dream world full of castles, buildings, islands and more.
Be creative! Be Bold, Be yourself! close your eyes and dream! if you built it, it will come true.
Start your journey with a flat world or if you prefer a terrain suce with mountains and water.
This endless building game, will enhance your crafting capabilities and improve your creativity
Designed for all family, this game is suitable for all ages.
the gameplay is quite simple, the controls are responsive and save functionality is automatic and free.
The user recieves 100 free blocks with much more special blocks that can be bought by the in-app currency. just watch some videos to double up your daily bonus
there are also animals that uses a cool AI mechani, don't forget to try them out.
Enjoy a third person view. you can choose your POV of the game, change skins to cool charecters.
don't forget to get your reward every time it is open, it will give you the option to buy more special blocks and skins.
start from scratch or choose your already saved world, whatever makes you happy, this game has endless possibilities, it is addictive and fun.
Hope you enjoy playing as much as we have enjoyed making this game for you
So what are you waiting for, an ultimate fictional world is at your feet!
EA旗下开放世界RPG《质量效应:仙女座(Mass EfFect: Andromeda)》登陆加强版主机PS4 Pro,支持(伪)4K这一点我们已经知道。现在,官方又为我们带来了该作的最新情报,其中PS4 Pro版游戏还有另外一个新模式:高画质1080P模式。
业内人士602最近在国外论坛NeoGAF上爆料,《质量效应:仙女座》PS4 Pro版还有一个高画质1080P模式,这意味着玩家可以享...
今天EA Access和Origin Access用户已经可以试玩《质量效应:仙女座》抢先体验版了,有国外玩家还运行了PS4 Pro试玩版,并并放出了一些游戏截图。可以看出,在1080P模式下,PS4 Pro版《质量效应:仙女座》运行非常流畅。
玩家也知道,本作同样支持PS4 Pro的4K模式,虽然画质更好,但这位玩家并没有为我们透露有关PS4 Pro运行4K模式的效能。
在各种游戏作品都纷纷推出PS4 Pro补丁的当下,治愈系解谜潜水游戏《ABZU》也不敢落后。据称,升级后《ABZU》将支持PS4 Pro的主机新特性,相信届时已经很清新脱俗的深海景观一定会更动人。一起来看看吧。
《ABZU》开发工作室的艺术总监称,本次升级后,《ABZU》将可以在PS4 Pro上有更好的视觉效果。在补丁说明中,开发商并没有具体说明显示的提升。本次升级说明如下: