Features 2 modes:
- Hurry or Hungry: The bunny and the kitty will get hungry if you don't feed them.
- Free mode: No health bar, no rush.
Becareful, there is Swap Food! Eating this food will swap bunny and kitty seat.
The best family game you can play with your kids!
Try tapping on the bunny or the kitty!
《Pancake and Milkshake!下载地址》下载版本说明
《Pancake and Milkshake!下载地址》当发现一个好的Pancake and Milkshake!想跟朋友分享的时候,朋友经常会说把下载地址给我,Pancake and Milkshake!下载地址是什么呢,其实就是你所要下载的游戏的地址,你可以在游戏的免费下载图标上,点击鼠标右键,选择“复制链接地址”,然后粘贴到朋友的对话框中,朋友输入这个地址回车就可以直接下载了,很方便吧。再简单点可以将页面的url地址给朋友哦,分享一下Pancake and Milkshake!。