Kong Banana Pro下载地址游戏攻略
A thrilling excursion through the jungle, caves and treetops.
Embody Kong! Kong Banana Pro!
Jump, run, leap and flip vines with lianas to help Kong Banana Pro escape a terrible avalanche of bananas! Keeps absolute control with extremely simple and intuitive touch controls.
Charge wild boar or plane with a toucan to overcome dangerous obstacles such as huge rocks, crocodiles, piranhas or molten lava. Nature is a very cruel friend ...
You can even outdistance your friends while you progress in the jungle! Thanks to the total integration of the Game Services, the distance traveled by your friends appears directly in your game.
Compare your records and unlock success while improving your style of play.
Get ready for a never-ending pleasure thanks to an incredibly dynamic game engine.
As the levels are randomly designed, each game will be synonymous with a new challenge!
Collect as many bananas as you can to fill your energy meter. Use the super-load to destroy obstacles or to find new paths that will take you to the depths of caves or to the top of trees.
Discover secrets and unlock bonuses to get the most out of the game.
AppAdvice: '.. very similar to Donkey K ..'
Gamezebo: '..Kong Banana Pro is the kind of guy with whom we would like to sip a banana milkshake to relax.
2048 Pro是一个有趣,上瘾和非常简单的益智游戏。移动方块,最终达到2048!
- 支持所有语言
- 支持无限模式
- 支持横屏模式
- 动画控件来控制速度
- 增加了滑动的反馈声音,注意声音默认是关闭的
- 游戏会自动保存
- 排行榜
- ...