Love Influencer - Interactive story下载地址游戏攻略
Our heroine has a dream: to have her own restaurant. But relegated as committed by a manipulative chef, she despairs and dares not impose herself. Solitary, it only opens to his best friend Emma, because together they share a terrible past: when they were in high school, their friend Lauren has a dramatic spell following a humiliating video posted on the internet ...
Three years after this tragedy, our heroine is still traumatized by the fate of her friend and that is why she lives in a retreat, possessing neither smartphone nor computer. But one day, new neighbors are settling in the heroine's building: Val, an extremely popular influencer, and her boyfriend Matt. But according to Emma, this Val could turn her dreams into reality and allow her to open her own restaurant, because everything she touches, she turns into gold ...
Between a rise to fame and an introspective investigation of the past, Love Influencer tells both the dream of rhinestones and sequins of the world of influencers and an investigation that will see the heroine, harassed by a mysterious stalker, be forced to return in his hometown to unravel the mystery around his missing friend ...
And with Matt, Val's boyfriend, the woman she would like to be, Jon a former high school friend, whom she loved very much but who reminds her of Lauren too much, and Ben, a businessman who might well allow him to pitch his own restaurant, the heroine will also be embarked on a whirlwind of love where will intermingle the figures of the future and the past. But where is the truth?
《Love Live!学园偶像祭》很火。这是个集合手游、漫画、动画、三次元偶像等内容的综合媒体企划,一手缔造的9人偶像组合µ’s,不仅在二次元十分活跃,幕后声优集结的三次元团体也很有人气,举办过演唱会,甚至曾上过日本的“央视春晚”——NHK红白歌会。或许也是看到了《Love Live!》的人气,盛大游戏代理了《Love Live!》手游的国服。
然而就在今天,《Love Live!...
盛大游戏宣布《Love Live!学园偶像祭》简体字版即将迎来大版本上线。本次更新标志着Aqours的正式登场,全新的学园偶像团体Aqours曾在2016年7月5日席卷日版,让无数日本粉丝欢欣雀跃,登顶日本国内游戏榜。
《Love Live!学园偶像祭》的大部分粉丝对...
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