Vocab Club Welsh Cymraeg下载地址游戏攻略
* App Name: Vocab Club Welsh Cymraeg
* Version: 1.0.1
* Timestamp: Sat, Nov 24, 2018 3:20:51 PM
* Latest Changes: This version contains a regular expression two-way English to Welsh Dictionary, and a desktop clock widget showing the time and date in Welsh.
* Description: The objective of the game is to work your way through 859 levels of vocabulary. Once you have completed the 859 levels, you will have familiarised yourself with approximately 34360 words or terms. Once you have completed a level without any wrong answer, an animal may appear for that level. In this app, you are not playing alone. If you are connected to the internet, your scores for each group will be automatically submitted, so that you can check how well you are doing against others players. This app does not retrieve or access any information other than score-related information from within the app.
* How to Play: Select any level with a star to begin play. The game screen will appear. There are 40 words per game. You have 5 seconds to select the correct meaning of the word. If you are playing on the highest unlocked level, the next level will be unlocked if you complete the game with enough cherries to redeem your number of incorrect answers.
* Latest News: For the latest news regarding this app, please visit our Community at Google Plus.
* How to Reset: To reset the game by setting the best score back to 0 and number of levels completed back to 0, simply select the Reset All button on the first screen.
IMPORTANT: This app is provided 'as is' without any claims or warranties.
© 2019 Fun Apps for Free, All Rights Reserved
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