Fox And Baby Chicken下载地址游戏攻略
Game Description:
This is the life saving game of Baby Chicken's from the Fox. There are 20 baby chicken's on each level. There are several numbers of Fox at different levels, the higher the level, you will be able to get more Foxes. There will be a lot of fox attacked together.
You will get score by killing Foxes and savings Baby Chicken’s life. Score depends on how fast you will kill Foxes and save how many Baby Chicken’s life. So need finished level in less time and save more Baby Chicken’s life for getting more score. And your score will be ranked worldwide. And it will be updated in real time. You have more and more opportunity for improving your rank. And prove who are the best?
Game Over:
Every level has 20 Baby Chicken's. If fox eat all baby chicken then game over or you kill all fox then you will win and level up.
The main challenge of the game is to save baby chickens from Foxes. How well and fast you will done your work, that's the competition among the gamers.
《Tappy Chicken》是一款由虚幻4引擎制作的手机游戏,而且是《Flappy Bird》的复制品,游戏现已上架iOS和安卓平台。
《Tappy Chicken》的在画面上并不存在优势,并且这也并非...
流星拳,技能物攻增加3%点,导致目标瘫痪0.5秒,技能CD 3.65秒,能量消耗25;升级满级后,技能物攻增加39%点,导致目标瘫痪1.1秒,技能CD2.9秒,能量消耗25。
霸王拳,技能物攻增加5点,技能CD 5秒,能量消耗25;升级满级后,技能物攻增加1598点,技能CD 3秒,能量消耗25。
1、 铁蹄标刺:强力的腿部连踢与长矛刺杀结合的连续技,对敌方单个武将造成相当于152%的武力攻击
2、 虎体猿臂:被攻击后有11%几率为为自己附加1个护盾,护盾能抵御120点伤害
3、 螺旋震:让“铁蹄标刺”有10%几率使敌人晕...