Love at Elevation下载地址游戏攻略
Romance is as easy as one, two...three lovers! Find love and ascend to new heights in your new home of Boulder, Colorado.
"Love at Elevation" is a 325,000-word interactive romance novel by Steve Wingate. It's entirely text-based, without graphics or sound effects, and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.
You've just escaped a toxic relationship and moved to Boulder: hippie mecca (and home of the University of Colorado) a mere forty minutes north of Denver, at the edge of the majestic Rocky Mountains' Front Range. And while you want to take in everything your new town has to offer: the outdoors, hip cafes, politics, and New Age healing: looking for love is foremost in your mind.
Will you fall for the local activist? The trail-running athlete? Or the hippie healer? Or why not all three? Your ex, meanwhile, keeps wedging their way back into your life, even from a thousand miles away. Can you juggle all these lovers, or will you have to break a few hearts?
• Play as male, female, or non-binary; gay, straight, bi, ceteroual, or panual.
• Find one lover, two, three, or get back with your ex.
• Navigate workplace drama and the difficulties of being the new person in a strange place.
• Discover yourself as you negotiate the ins and outs of Boulder's social scene.
• Choose exclusivity or open relationships with your new partners.
Some find love in cold climate, but you'll find Love at Elevation.
今天要为大家介绍的是Love You To Bits,在游戏当中我们通过点击,让主角来到秋季区域上,然后收集地面上的两处落叶。接下来就跟着九游小编来一睹究竟吧!
《Love Live!校园偶像祭》(ラブライブ!スクールアイドルフェスティバル)是动画企划Love Live!推出的同名手机音乐游戏,这款游戏一经推出就在日本受到了大众的支持,此前发售的游戏歌曲CD取得了首周Oricon销量36925张的好成绩,游戏也长居App Store畅销榜前十名。
《Love Live!校园偶像祭》是一款卡牌收集+音乐节奏游戏,玩家可以通过游玩游戏和招募学生...
世间从来不缺萌妹,偶像梦想也从未停歇。这一次的偶像培育计划,需要你的参与!日本Gloops公司于3月19日发布了一款偶像养成类游戏《To LOVE-出包王女Darkness-偶像革命》(To LOVEる-とらぶる- ダークネス -Idol Revolution-)。该作发布于手机社交游戏社区Mobage,由人气漫画《出包王女Darkness》改编。