Kick Soccer 2019下载地址游戏攻略
Now you can have fun playing soccer for free on mobile phones now.
Get ready to shoot in the foothill with one touch. Try to score a goal in different positions by trying to score in the goal.
As the level increases, the performance of the cast will also increase. Goalkeeping now will depend on your performance.
How to play?
When the game first opens, drag your ball towards your goal with your finger. You can direct the ball by moving your finger to the left and right and up and down.
When you score every 10 goals, the difficulty level will rise one step. When each difficulty level increases, it will be difficult to score goals in the goal.
Penalty and smashing games are among the games that must be played for lovers. It is the game with the best graphics and effects among the goal-shooting games. Matching will be added shortly afterwards. Penalty games for goalkeeper games Good games for you.
Soccer Kickv1.0
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毒厂Voodoo又出新游戏啦!这一次的Soccer Kick破解版将会另类演绎足球,打给你极佳的乐趣体验!你需要扮演一名球员,开始一球定乾坤!合理掌握时机提出关键的一球,成功进入球门就能收获金币哦!
Soccer Kick精彩内容
《Soccer Kick》这是一款非常好玩精彩的一款休闲趣味游戏,是由著名的厂商Voodoo全新所打造的一款足球竞技游戏,你需要将球不断的踢远,解锁更多的建筑物...
Soccer Kick破解版是一款画面非常真实的足球在线竞技手机游戏,用你的实力来征服你的对手,通过了各种比拼的方式来秀出你的球机,成为伟大的足球巨星,受到观众热情的欢呼,在绿茵场上将你所有的专注力都投入到足球赛中,让你的足球在空中飞行出一道美丽的弧线,穿越各种障碍物能够到达球门,最终成功的得分,一道绚丽的色彩在空中划过。