Sphere Slide下载地址游戏攻略
This is one of the best runners / avoiding obstacles games ^o^ !!
The concept is simple, try to beat all the 15 levels :) !!
Avoid letting the ball / sphere get hit with obstacles,
There are 4 different themes for the sphere so you never get bored ^^!
Winning a level automatically unlocks the next one, ^^
and every 5 levels you can unlock a stage, so you can discover new gameplay like being able to jump at level 6 and trying to beat some challenging moving obstacles starting with level 11 !!
It is a bit of a hard game, especially the final levels. Try to beat it, but don't get frustrated because some levels are just very hard to pass xd
Play Now For Free !
This is one the general manager of UD_GAMES i can answer your questions about bugs, adding new features ect..
linked in=>www.linkedin.com/in/youness-fahmi-a895b8137
**********some key, words*********
Run subway
Run ball slide
Roll the ball and slide
Jump with ball,
Hop ball
Jump sphere
Ball rush,
Sphere rush,
Surfing Subways,
Rail sphere ball rush,
Dodging ball,
Obstacle dodge ball
Obstacles ball course
Protect the sphere
Running Temple
Collorful spheres
3D balls,
Sphere 3D run
Catch up sphere,
Fire spheres
Sphere helix ball jump
Shout-Out to my programmer TheDarkSider_LoL he started a YouTube channel so make sure you subscribe to 'em ;)
日本厂商Bank of Innovation 宣布,旗下幻想RPG新作《MITRA SPHERE》开始事前登录,并即将登陆双平台。
由韩国 Cross Shock 公司预定于2017年5月10日起在韩国 Google Play 手机平台上推出与玩家们见面,韩国手机游戏开发商 Wevesoft 所全新打造的这款动作 RPG《Cross Sphere》(크로스스피어),如今官方正式宣佈,自即日起正式展开韩国预约注册活动让玩家们先来申请预约。