Wild West Duel Two Players下载地址游戏攻略
Wild West Duel: Two Players
Now, you can do duel with your friends in the Wild West.
Do you have the ability to be the fastest cowboy ever? If you think you are the fastest of the wild west, this game is for you. Play with your friends and enjoy.
Some features of Wild West Duel: Two Players;
★ Simple, addictive and innovative gameplay
★ Endless game mode with intense battles
★ Offline 2 player mode - play with friends
★ Pixel art and music for real western feeling
Take Two旗下的两款游戏《为战而生(Battleborn)》和《进化(Evolve)》有很明显的共同之处:在正式发售前都万众期盼,但真的进入了市场,几乎是立即上前迎接他们的却是一轮又一轮的差评和口水战。
前不久,Take Two的老总Strauss Zelnick还公开表达了自己对《为战而生》市场表现的失望之情。他甚至坦言,如果《为战而生》真的再这么下去,那它离变为一款F2P游戏也不远了...
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